
The Team

Jorgen Moller (Bonneville 200
mph LIfe Member)
Team owner and driver- Jorgen is CEO/Owner of Snap Lock Industries ( the manufacturer of RaceDeck®). Jorgen has a long history of racing pretty much anything with a motor, and is extremely competitive in everything he gets involved with. Having the corporate offices practically right next door to the Bonneville Salt Flats, it was only a matter of time. With the help and encouragement of long time family friend Jeff Nish, Jorgen was soon to catch the "Salt Fever".


Adam Drost
My kid is the apprentice of the team. He can and does pretty
much anything we ask him to do and does it with a huge smile.
This year he has earned a seat in the Roadster .


Dave Harris (crew)
Crew Chief- Dave is head foreman of Hinckley Dodge and has been involved with such teams as VIPER USA racing, where he traveled the country for three years as part of the crew. His relentless efforts has kept us in the "impound area" on a consistant basis.


Phil Hurst
Crew- Phil came to the team through Hinckley Dodge , and has been a long time MOPAR Racer and builder of racecars. He has proven to be our stready rock when it comes to solving any issue that may come up.


Jeff Nish
The Nish family is synonymous with land speed racing- Jeff, a long time family friend ,has contributed immensely in the chassis and car set-up. His knowledge has proven to be invaluable. A special thanks for all of his help!


Larry Volk
Larry has been out on the Salt since the 50’s and has a tremendous amount of
proven knowledge on how to go fast! And build cars that go fast!. He has been
huge help in getting our little 4cyl roadster to head straight down the track
at over 200 mph!


Craig Ohlson (crew)
The Guy who is always there with a helping hand.

And a special thanks to each individual who helped us along the way: Dave Harris,
Phil Hurst, Jeff Nish, Jim Hinckley, Larry Volk, Jeff Holm, Adam Drost, Kerry
Moller, Jerry Lochart, Brian Schaffer,
Terry Nish, Mark Riley, Anthony Berge, Harry ?, Paulina Moller, Nick Drost,
Seaira Moller

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RaceDeck is a registered trademark of SnapLock Industries.