2006 - SETA SPEED WEEK - Bonneville Salt
We had one mission - to set a record with the Dodge SRT in the Production
SuperCharged/Turbo Class (F/PS). The end result is that we smashed the
record with a two way average of 221.385 mph. On the return
run our on-board GPS was showing a max top speed of 235.86 mph.
Our SRT is now the Fastest 4cyl Production Vehicle on the Planet.
2005 Season cancelled due to weather and
poor salt conditions
Class: F/BFR; 213.413 mph First four cylinder
roadster to ever break the 200 mark!
8/15/2004 - SPEED WEEK -Bonneville Salt Flats
We set two new records with the RaceDeck Roadster- We entered in the Blown Gas Roadster and on our first pass we went an astonishing 209.194 and here is the offical record with the back up return run. Note that on the return run we actually blew off our waste-gate. Class: F/BGR; Old Record: 197.044; New Record: 201.081 Then we entered the Blown Fuel Roadster class and got the record. Class: F/BFR; Old Record: 184.118; New Record: 186.661;
We did not run on fuel ( we ran gas) this was just a class we went into to try a few new set-ups, we plan on coming back with a fuel motor and upping this record.
The SRT-4 Dodge - This was a completely new car and by the rules we had to go on the short course and make a mininum pass of 175 mph between the 2 and 2/14 time traps, we did 184 mph and was given the go ahead on to move to the long course...due to the massive power we were producing, we blew our tranny on our first pass and could not rebuild one with the time limits of the week. We will be ready in September to make another attempt.

10/15/2003 - WORLD FINALS
We came out strong and ran the fastest we have ever run on the "salt" with a first pass run of 200.522 mph!.
We headed straight to impound and prepped the car for the early morning return record run. Things were looking great as we headed out on the course and took off for the run. About ½ though, the car was acting odd and we were losing rpm and power. We coasted through the 4th mile at an average speed of 193.566 mph, bumping up our existing record to an average speed of 197.044mph
Once back in impound, we found the problem to our power loss. We broke a main oil line to the turbo and severely cracked the header ( due to numerous runs under extreme pressure and vibration). The result was a destroyed Turbo. It is amazing that we even made it down the course at all.
This was the final event of the season and we ended up with "3" records. We are alredy putting our new motor in the Roadster and starting work on our new project - The SRT-4 Sedan to run in the F-Blown Class in 2004,

9/20/2003 - World of Speed (USFRA)
We tried to come back and up the F/BSTR record. We had a great first pass of 193.555 mph but on the return a turbo hose clamp burst and we slowed down to 183.00 mph- The good news is that we did get the Record, followed by another record set in F/BGMR.
F/BSTR- NEW RECORD- 188.788 mph ( beat our previous set record set at Speed Week)
New class entry F/BGMR (BGMR= Blown Gas Modified Roadster -- no head lights, no fenders, nose cone insert ,belly pans, etc.) In this class we used our same Roadster and just stripped the fenders and lights off, then added a Fabricated Grill Insert.
NEW RECORD SET- 199.850 mph! Old record 1998 146mph! We had two very strong runs! First pass was a late afternoon 198.9 mph and then we had a back-up run of 200.050 mph in the morning return run!

8/20/2003 - SpeedWeek 2003 (SCTA)
This was the debut event for the RaceDeck Roadster. We had very good results for the first time out, Landing "2" new land speed records
The class we race in is F ( F=2.1 to 3.0 litre motor) Classes within F category we competed in: F/BSTR ( BSTR= Blown Street Roadster -- gas only!) NEW RECORD SET- 184.8 mph; Old record 1998 143.75 mph
F/BGR ( BGR = Blown Gas Roadster- no headlights, no fenders, and flat front grill insert) NEW RECORD SET- 188.88 mph; old record 146 mph

Click to enlarge the images below.

221.385 MPH receipts (avg.)

213 MPH receipt

209 MPH receipt.

200 MPH receipt.

200 MPH receipt

The drivers point of view

Racedeck Roadster.

Starting Line