
In The News
Rod & Custom
200 mph in a Four-Cylinder Deuce Roadster

From now on we’ll think twice about choosing a four-banger car to race against. This four-cylinder 32’ roadster goes 200 mph. Okay, we’re not talking about a Model A block with a Winfield head and carb. The RaceDeck® Salt Rod runs a 700hp Mopar SRT-4 motor, equipped with a turbo and retrofitted for rear-wheel drive. The car was designed and driven by RaceDeck owner Jorgen Moller and built by Jeff Nish, with help from many others. During SpeedWeek in August the black,white and red roadster set new land speed records in the Vintage category: 186.667 for F/BSTR (Blown Street Roadster and 187.744 for the F/BGR ( Blown Gas Roadster). Three weeks later, it upped the F/BSTR record to 188.652 and set the F/BGMR ( Blown Gas Modified Roadster) record at 199.48, with a return pass of 200.50 mph.


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